Podcast Episode 11: Enabling Small and Mid-size Financial Institutions for Instant Payments

Episode 11 - PodcastIn this engaging new episode, Marcia Klingensmith, Director at Payments Consulting Network, delves into the world of instant payments with Alloy Labs’ Venture Partner, Peter Davey, a leader in real-time payments innovation.

After driving product innovation at the Clearing House and now at Alloy Labs, he focuses on addressing challenges for community banks and credit unions, emphasizing the need to simplify and enhance connections to instant payment networks.

Tune in to discover why institutions must take incremental steps toward modernization and think of the importance of partnerships and shared efforts in navigating the changing landscape of instant payments. Listen to the full episode below.

Marcia Klingensmith, Director at Payments Consulting Network

Peter Davey, Venture Partner at Alloy Labs

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Published On: 28 November 2023Categories: PodcastsTags: , , , ,