Recurring Payments

1 May, 2025 |

C-suite and heads of payments, finance, e-commerce, fraud, digital, commercial and treasury.

Attendees will be from a broad cross-section of subscription/membership-based organisations and billers from a range of industries to enhance the learning experience, e.g. utilities, software, insurance, not-for-profit, and education.

The final agenda topics will be determined following pre-workshop calls with each participant. During these pre-workshop calls, we will ask participants to share with us their:

  • Top 3 best practices.
  • Top 3 business challenges.
  • Top 3 topics of interest / learning.

This helps us determine who to ask to present and what topics will be most relevant to the attendees. Topics that are typically discussed at our Recurring Payments Round Tables include:

  • Improving authorisation rates
  • Fraud management
  • Real-time account-to-account payments (e.g. PayTo)
  • Digital wallets and local payment methods
  • Payments orchestration

The round table involves a light lunch, a content-rich half day workshop, followed by networking drinks and a relaxed 3-course dinner. The boardroom format and the pre-work to curate the workshop agenda  ensures that it is a very interactive session.

The typical round table format is as follows and comprises a mix of presentations and facilitated discussion of a range of industry hot topics:

1:00pm Light boardroom lunch (30 minutes)

1:30pm Welcome and introductions (15 minutes)

1:45pm Merchant presentation #1 (25 minutes)

2:10pm Industry hot topics (30 minutes)

2:40pm Merchant presentation #2 (25 minutes)

3:05pm Sponsor presentation #1 (25 minutes)

3:30pm Afternoon tea (30 minutes)

4:00pm Sponsor presentation #2 (25 minutes)

4:25pm Industry hot topics (35 minutes)

5:00pm Merchant presentation #3 (25 minutes)

5:25pm Closing remarks (5 minutes)

5:30pm Pack up and guests make their way to the dinner venue

6:00pm Networking drinks (1 hour)

7:00pm Seated for 3-course dinner (3 hours)

10:00pm End of dinner

The final agenda will be confirmed 7 days prior to the round table date and will be made available when ready.

Workshop: Dexus Place at North Tower, Level 6, 80 Collins St, Melbourne

Dinner: Red Spice Road, 141 Queen St, Melbourne

The final venues will be confirmed 8 weeks prior to the round table date.

Our round tables are designed to be a forum for peer-to-peer learning that connects industry leaders to build collective knowledge, collaborate on industry issues, and facilitate new solutions and pathways that stimulate operational efficiency and innovation.

The small boardroom format ensures that we have highly interactive and engaging discussions. The feedback from past round table attendees has been fantastic and we are sure you will get value from attending.

If you believe you are a fit for this round table and would like to attend, please express your interest by completing the contact form at the bottom of this event page. We will review your details and email you with a confirmation of registration and advise the next steps (e.g. to set-up the pre-workshop call).

This is a sponsored event, so there is no cost for merchants to attend.


Industry Partner

Attendee Testimonials

“You have put together a fantastic event. The agenda was very well organised, allowing dedicated time for active participation and development, and additional time for networking during the dinner. The presentation and discussion topics were very much relevant, not only for me, but to everyone else given the great participation.”
“The payment round table was a great experience, bringing together industry experts to discuss the intricacies and future trends in payments. The practical insights shared, coupled with real-world case studies, provided immediate applicability to both seasoned professionals and those new to the field. The collaborative atmosphere and interactive format made it a valuable platform for learning and networking, leaving me equipped with actionable knowledge and connections for future endeavours.”
Head of Commercial ,
“I just wanted to say thank you again for yesterday. I just went through some key learnings with my Payments Working Group, and it amplified how useful and perfectly timed yesterday’s session was for us. It’s so great to have open and candid access to such a brains trust of experts … I have never been to that type of event in my long career where the cross-industry people are so open and honest in their sharing, so a big well done!”
Head of Business Solutions,

“We would like to thank you for coordinating the Roundtable and the excellent planning involved. Great structure with the agenda, great facilitation by the PCN team, great conversations, and great food to end off the evening! Really good to see the participation level with the attendees and it was a foretaste of what future collaborations with PCN could look like.”

VP Enterprise Sales,

“PCN’s round tables are very high quality – the right people, relevant content, and engaging discussions. We rate the PCN round tables to be in the top 10% of the events that we run.”

GTM Partnerships, SE Asia, Greater China, and India,

Express interest in attending

Register for Roundtable Event

Note: Fields marked with an * are mandatory.


Past Attendees

Accor Plus

Adore Beauty


Allianz Australia

Austin Group

Australia for UNHCR

Bapcor Retail

Baby Bunting

Big Red Group

Brown Family Wine Group



Chartered Accountants Australia and NZ

ChildFund Australia


David Jones



Electrolux Group

FairPrice Group



GPC Asia-Pacific (Repco)


Hill-Smith Family Estates


JB Hi Fi



Kraft Heinz




Marley Spoon


Mills Brands

Motor Traders Australia


Reece Group


Spotlight Retail Group

The Whisky Club

Ticketmaster Singapore

UNICEF Australia

Virgin Australia

Viu Singapore


Woolworths Group




If you are interested in further details of our other merchant round tables, please click here.